OUGD603: Brief 13 — Something More - Briefing

- Based at Munro House

- Used to work at Elmwood

Why Brands Need Your Help

Brand is now a dirty word. 

What is a brand? A logo? An identity? 

'Think Different' - selling a point of view. 

A reason to believe, big idea, a belief, a set of values. 

IKEA's idiology. Everything embodies the idea of making better. Idea democratises design, even though the products are cheap, they can still be stylish and well made. 

Brands which are a wonderful experience, make things better. 

Brands having a bigger objective as a company. 

Waitrose - Community Matters

Apple packaging. Keeping the box! Every piece is precisely packaged. 

Only one brand can be the cheapest, but how can it stand out?

Design is an opportunity to make a difference. 

How many brands are not actually wonderful experiences? How many don't care about their audience?

Trains? Recycling? The council? 

GOV.UK website - Real creativity out of something boring. Why shouldn't government services be really easy to use and interesting?

Henry Ford - People gravitate towards what they know. We all live in a tidy comfort zone and fear change. Help people understand how things can be better.

If your rationale is really rigour, people can't argue with it. 

People want to feel loved and appreciated. 


BRIEF - The Ministry of Wonderful

Brands can't just exist to sell you a thing, they have o have a duty to brand things as wonderful. 

Pick a word out of a hat. 

Rethink the way in which these places work. It's not about changing what they do, but how can the brand change your relationship with it? 

Why can't councils be a voice box for change?
Recycling is seen as boring, as a chore. Make it something you want to do. 

A Guide of How To Create Your Brand

Define, create, build. 

What should is stand for? 
Why should it exist? 
Why should people care? 
What makes it different? 

Big idea 
Name - Direct - Explaining exactly what you do. Implied - Fedex, quick and fast. Esoteric names - no rule, eg. IKEA. 
What you stand for

What does it look like?
What does it sound like? 
What does it do? 

Tone of voice? 
What are all the things that will make it recognisable? 

Make stuff that is relevant (think beyond business cards). 
A wall mural? all different ways, be as wide as you want. 

Creating a new brand, not rebranding old ones. If I did it from the beginning, how would I do it properly?

It has to be realistic. 


Brief: 10th November
Interim Crit: 24th November - Don't be finished, have some rough stuff. Lots of ideas, instead of a few that are well done. 

Key points will be sent as a PDF. 


Monday 10 November 2014 by Unknown
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