OUGD603: Brief 04 — Svpply - Final Boards / Evaluation

Below is an ISSUU document containing my final boards for Svpply: 



A really challenging brief for me.  Little did I know it, but I actually have a lot less experience designing for web than I first thought. I have designed plenty of websites before as part of branding projects, but this was the second time I’ve designed a website in the correct way for it to be coded, in terms of folders and organisation.

Secondly, Svpply combines two of the most complicated types of websites: Ecommerce & Social Media. This means that an endless amount of pages could be create, so it was essential to decide on which main pages would be designed and stick to the plan.

Originally, the plan was to create a website on Adobe Muse, which codes the website itself as you design. After experimenting with the software, I asked a friend, a web designer, if Adobe Muse is actually used in industry. I was informed that it codes websites really badly, and it yet to be put into full swing. It was great to try out the new software, but something I will put on hold until it’s in use.

When using Adobe Muse, I planned to design as I go a long, which obviously ended up not working out in my favour. When I went back to designing the website in Adobe Photoshop, I approached the project with a dramatic difference, the way a web designer would: using sketches and rough wireframes. Since the website was so complex, this helped split the project up more into the pages I wanted to develop.

I intend on taking this approach in the future, as I feel the overall outcome for something so complex is visually simple, interactive and functional.

Thursday 21 May 2015 by Unknown
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