OUGD603: Brief 10 — DR. ME - Workshop

Today the guys from Manchester-based 'Dr. Me' came in and delivered a presentation and then a workshop.

Notes From Presentation

Mike Perry - Illustrator - www.mikeperrystudio.com

Wonder Room (Great work!) - www.wonder-room.eu

Don't pigeonhole yourself. Try new things. 

Send follow up emails. 

Always start analogue, end digital. 

"What's your total budget for this project?"


Brief 001 - Evian Christ Mix
Jasper and I listened to the 20 minute mix, and noted down any words that came to mind. We then reviewed our lists and highlighted which points we had in common and would give us a direction to move into.

This list can be seen below:

- haze
- echo
- space
- distance
- deep
- grainy
- ambient
- layered
- bells
- dream-like 
- surreal
- voices lost
- slow
- landscape
- hypnosis
- distortion
- radio (old)
- lo - fi
- fluctuation
- violin
- Eastern Europe
- morse code
- war
- spies
- underground
- vivid colour
- red
- purple
- pink
- blue
- green
- industrial 
- transition
- door creek
- accordion 
- violin bow
- rewind
- beatless
- organic 
- cold 

Sourced Imagery

As we were encouraged to source imagery through scanned publications, Jasper and I went to the library and scanned in a variety of imagery to work with. 

The main things we looked for were:

- Eroded and surreal imagery
- Images of Brutalist Post War Soviet Architecture
- Imagery with a focus on run down buildings. 

Designing The Sleeve

I began with an image I thought would work well with our ideas - The mix had a voice talking throughout it, but lost in the distance. The image below shows a hand on a piece of rubbish, almost being drowned, which reminded me of the mix. 

Adding colour overlays: 

A red mist was added hinting at the Soviet power 'still left in the air': 

Subtle imagery was added of Brutalist architecture in the bottom left corner: 

Tubing and pipes were added, reminiscent of Soviet industry: 

The finalised sleeve: 


Brief 002 - Odonis Odinis Poster

This was an extremely quick turnaround. I looked into Odonis Odonis, and found their music to be categorised as 'Indie'. Indie music tends to be communicated in a playful way, so this is the tone of voice I wanted to communicate. 

Odonis Odonis have recently realised an album called 'Hard Boiled, Soft Boiled', which is where the below finalised poster idea came from: 


Monday 20 October 2014 by Unknown
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