Obviously I want the typeface to be used by users of as many languages as possible.
For this reason, I looked into all the characters that should be added to a (Latin) typeface that would make it rounded.
A list of unicode characters:
§ 00A7 section
¶ 00B6 paragraph
· 00B7 interpunct, middle dot
¼ 00BC one-quarter
½ 00BD one-half
¾ 00BE three-quarters
‒ 2012 figure dash
– 2013 en dash
— 2014 em dash
― 2015 quotation dash
‘ 2018 left single quote
’ 2019 right single quote, apostrophe
“ 201C left double quote
” 201D right double quote
† 2020 dagger
‡ 2021 double dagger
• 2022 bullet
… 2026 ellipsis
‽ 203D interrobang
⁂ 2042 asterism
⅐ 2150 one-seventh
⅑ 2151 one-ninth
⅒ 2152 one-tenth
⅓ 2153 one-third
⅔ 2154 two-thirds
⅕ 2155 one-fifth
⅖ 2156 two-fifths
⅗ 2157 three-fifths
⅘ 2158 four-fifths
⅙ 2159 one-sixth
⅚ 215A five-sixths
⅛ 215B one-eighth
⅜ 215C three-eighths
⅝ 215D five-eighths
⅞ 215E seven-eighths
⅟ 215F fraction numerator one
← 2190 left arrow
↑ 2191 up arrow
→ 2192 right arrow
↓ 2193 down arrow
⏎ 23CE carriage return symbol
␣ 2423 space symbol
□ 25A1 square
★ 2605 starf, bigstar, black star
☆ 2606 white star
⛤ 26E4 pentagram
☐ 2610 ballot box
☑ 2611 ballot box with check
☒ 2612 ballot box with X
☛ 261B black right pointing finger
☞ 261E white right pointing finger
⚜ 269C fleur-de-lys
✓ 2713 check mark
✗ 2717 cross mark
⸺ 2E3A two-em dash
⸻ 2E3B three-em dash
〃 3003 ditto
Unary operators[edit]
√ 221A radic, Sqrt, radical, square root
∛ 221B cube root
∜ 221C fourth root
± 00B1 plus or minus
∓ 2213 minus or plus
′ 2032 prime, derivative
″ 2033 Prime, double prime
‴ 2034 tprime, triple prime
∏ 220F N-ary product
∑ 2211 N-ary summation
Binary operators
− 2212 minus
× 00D7 multiplication sign
⋅ 22C5 sdot
∕ 2215 division slash
÷ 00f7 division sign
∝ 221D prop, propto, Proportional, vprop, varpropto, proportional to
∣ 2223 divides
∤ 2224 does not divide
≃ 2243 asymptotically equal to
≄ 2244 not asymptotically equal to
≅ 2245 approximately equal to
≆ 2246 approximately but not actually equal to
≇ 2247 neither approximately nor actually equal to
≈ 2248 almost equal to
≉ 2249 not almost equal to
≜ 225C trie, triangleq, delta equal to
≝ 225D equal to by definition
≟ 225F equest, questioned equal to
≠ 2260 ne, NotEqual, not equal to
≡ 2261 equiv, Congruent, equivalent to
≤ 2264 less-than or equal to
≥ 2265 greater-than or equal to
≪ 226A much less than
≫ 226B much greater than
Calculus, Vector Calculus, Differential Equations[edit]
∞ 221E infinity
∂ 2202 partial differential
∫ 222B integral
∬ 222C double integral
∭ 222D triple integral
∮ 222E contour integral
∯ 222F surface integral
∰ 2230 volume integral
∱ 2231 clockwise integral
∲ 2232 clockwise contour integral
∳ 2233 anticlockwise contour integral
∇ 2207 nabla, Del, backward difference, gradient
⊂ 2282 subset, included in, proper subset
⊃ 2283 superset, includes, proper superset
⊆ 2286 subset of or equal to
⊇ 2287 superset or equal to
⊄ 2284 notin set
∩ 2229 intersection
∪ 222A union
∈ 2208 isin, isinv, Element, in, element of (large symbol)
∊ 220A element of (small symbol)
∉ 2209 notin, NotElement, notinva, not element of
∋ 220B niv, ReverseElement, ni, SuchThat, contains as member (large symbol)
∍ 220D contains as member (small symbol)
∌ 220C notni, notniva, NotReverseElement, does not contain as member
∅ 2205 empty, emptyset, emptyv, varnothing, empty set
Mathematical Typography
⋮ 22EE vellip, vertical ellipsis
⋯ 22EF hellip, horizontal ellipsis
⋰ 22F0 utdot, rising dots, up right diagonal ellipsis
⋱ 22F1 dtdot, falling dots, down right diagonal ellipsis
〈 27E8 lang , left angle bracket
〉 27E9 rang, right angle bracket
¬ 00AC not sign
∧ 2227 Logical AND
∨ 2228 Logical OR
∴ 2234, THEREFORE , there4, therefore, Therefore
∵ 2235, BECAUSE , becaus, because, Because
∀ 2200, FOR ALL , forall, ForAll
∃ 2203, THERE EXISTS , exist, Exists
∄ 2204, THERE DOES NOT EXIST , nexist, NotExists, nexists
∠ 2220 ang, angle
∡ 2221 angmsd, measured angle
∢ 2222 spherical angle
⟂ 27C2 perpendicular to
∟ 221F right angle
° 00B0 degree
µ 00B5 micro, mu
π 03C0 Greek small letter pi
ℓ 2113 Small script letter L, litre.
€ 20AC Euro
£ 00A3 Sterling
₤ 20A4 Lira
₹ 20B9 Indian Rupee
¥ 00A5 Yen
¢ 00A2 Cent
₪ 20AA New Shekel
₩ 20A9 Won
₱ 20B1 Peso
฿ 0E3F Baht
₺ 20BA Turkish Lira
₴ 20B4 Hryvnia
₽ 20BD Russian Ruble