OUGD603: Brief 01 — Madison - Existing Typefaces - Unicode Research

After looking into unicode, obviously there is a HUGE number of characters. It's very rare that a typeface would have all of these characters, so I wanted to look into existing typefaces and their unicode characters. 

As my typeface is for body copy use, I looked into typefaces which are also for body copy. 

Below you can see the 'Glyphs' Pallette open on InDesign. I copied every character from famous body copy typefaces into a document, in order to see what characters they supply. 

I first looked at Hoefler Text (I did not include any of the ornaments):

I then looked at Times New Roman, however this had a HUGE number of characters and sub categories I did not want to look into, such as Greek and Russian:

I then decided to just see if it had all the characters that Hoefler text had, which it most did (apart from ligatures):

The same can be said for Adobe Caslon: 

I've now decided to use these unicode characters as the basis for my typeface.

Saturday 11 October 2014 by Unknown
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