OUGD603: Brief 04 — Svpply - Adobe Muse Progression / Change Of Direction

I began to start experimenting in Adobe Muse, creating a website without any plans on how it was going to end up. Although this is not the best way of working, it was more to get the hang of the software. 

Functionality of Muse: 
I found the software REALLY difficult to use. Normally I can pick up software really quickly, but for some reason Muse was different. The above examples took me 4 hours to get that far. 


Speaking To A Web Designer

I decided it would be best to ask one of my friends (a web designer / coder at an agency in London), some questions about Adobe Muse, to see if it was worth my time. 

My friend works at Design Studio - http://www.wearedesignstudio.com

Have you used Adobe Muse before? Funnily enough, roughly a month ago we were talking about it in the studio. None of us had given it a try before, and were tempted to see if it was any good. I gave it a go over the weekend, and think it was absolutely pointless. The time it takes to figure things out takes just as long as coding! 

Is it worth using? Definitely not. It's in it's early days and I guess is an exciting development. But right now it's not great. I've also heard that you cannot produce responsive websites on it, as well as it coding websites badly. 


Conclusion / Change of Direction

After speaking to an industry professional, I've realising learning the software at the moment is pointless. I will be better off practicing designing websites in Adobe Photoshop, in a way that can be coded. 

Monday 13 October 2014 by Unknown
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