OUGD603: Brief 04 — Svpply - Research Into Websites

Although many of the website's below use different navigation, I wanted to look into web designer aesthetic and navigational features that could be of use. 


The image grid below works really well. This may be down to consistent imagery, but also the use of a simple grid.,

Full bleed imagery works well when an image with a basic background is in use. 

The web version uses a single column grid, maximising image space. 



Images have been used well in the above example. Once again, the use of a simple grid gives the website a clean aesthetic, emphasised by the use of a light font. 



Above you can see the use of a 15 column grid, giving the pages consistancy, but also flexibility and variation. Images appear scattered but also organised. 



The use of simple and bold colours works well to separate the website above. 



A refined colour palette makes the above example stand out well. The boxed navigation allows flexibility as well as constancy with each page. The navigation is also something unique that i've never seen before. 

Thursday 26 February 2015 by Unknown
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