OUGD603: Brief 1 — Madison - Type Specimen Progress

Originally, I considered the front cover to show all the point that I had researched: 

Unfortunately, to squeeze all the addresses on, I had to use 4pt, which is too small. 

I then came up with a rough cover, that I plan to go back to. 

After researching into 'the colours of New York', I decided to use Pantone 123U - 'New York Orange'. This was used full bleed on a few pages, but also to highlight character characteristics (as seen below):

Document Setup

The setup of my specimen is displayed below:

A large margin was created on the inside and outside, so information can be seen much easier and given appropriate space. I decided to work at an A4 format, as I feel the letters will need to be visible at a fairly large scale. 

As you can see below, a modular grid (8 x 8) was also used with a 4mm spacing. 

Pagination involved the title centred, with the page number flush right. 

I decided to use headers at 20pt in Semi-Bold, with ligatures also displayed. 

Here you can see the use of daggers, demonstrating their (rare) usage. 


Scanned Imagery

I scanned in some of my working drawings, as I thought they would add the idea of progression to the specimen. 

I experimented with the idea of using scrunched up and folded paper, connoting the ideas of rubbish within an urban environment (like the rubbish on the streets of New York). 

Less dramatic:

Front Cover

I decided this didn't work well with my progressive work, but could work well with the cover. 

Back Cover: 

Usage within specimen:


Designing the 'Basic Latin' display spread was easy, as it should simply be functional, showing the letters. I chose the largest point size possible that would still give the letters enough spacing. I then created the same on the other side for Semi-Bold, in the same layout for comparison purposes. 

The same was done for punctuation: 

... And for the mathematic characters: 

The 8 column grid was utilises to display bodcycopy at different sizes: 

I experimented with a double page spread at different sizes, using European quotation marks:

The final spread stretched across both spreads, but two thirds across, giving it plenty of space:

Example of my methodology in use:

A spread was created showing the examples I've found through my research: 

The spacing between the characters was tweaked: 

This page was easy to design, as it was similar to the 'Basic Latin' pages that displayed characters. 

When showing the extended characters, I decided it was better to simply use some of the addresses found in my research, replacing some of the characters with the extended sets. This means my specimen remains consistant, and also shows off the characters more. 

The original layout of the ligature page: 

An example of usage was added, mimicking the layout of some of the other pages: 

Another double page spread, this was used to show ligature examples. I thought it would be interesting to try and come up with some copy that used as many ligatures as possible, but also relating to New York: 

With the unique characters, I thought it was important to explain their usage, as I a majority of my audience wouldn't know of them. 

A final page to just credit myself! 

The back page includes a quote about advertising, relating back to the typeface's concept in it's form: 

Tuesday 2 December 2014 by Unknown
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